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Goddess Rising

Heal, activate, and embrace YOUR Divine Feminine.

You are a Creatrix.

You are a Queen.

You are a Lover.

You are a Warrioress.

You are a Priestess.

You are a Wise Woman.

You are a GODDESS, the embodiment of the Divine Feminine!

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Manifesting & Miracles

Discover the Miracle Process that allows you to co-create MIRACLES with your GUHP!

You've followed all the rules for manifesting your dreams...

You've got your vision board, you say your affirmations, you're putting in the work...

But it's still not working!

(Hint: It's not your fault!!!)

This program gives you this missing piece to the manifesting puzzle.

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Intuitive Gifts Certification Course

Did you know you have superpowers?

And to think, here you've been walking around thinking you're average and there's nothing special about you.

Each person on the planet has been given a unique blend of Intuitive Gifts to support them in fulfilling their purpose on the Earth.

In this course, you will first discover YOUR Intuitive Gifts, and then learn how to help others discover theirs!

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Entourage Certification Course

Discover Your Spiritual Support Team!

Have you ever felt abandoned and all alone in the world?

You may not have had the physical support you needed, but your spiritual support team has always been there!

In this course, you will learn how to identify all the spiritual beings in your Entourage and how to communicate with them.

And then you'll learn how to help others discover their Entourage, too. 

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Light Language Certification Course

Discover the power of Light Language!

Starseed, Wayshower, Lightworker!

You have been called to help the planet evolve from the 3D experience to the 5D experience.

Light Language is the vehicle for that great shift!

Light Language bypasses the logical mind, speaking directly to the heart.

Because of this, it is able to HEAL instantaneously and permanently!

Become a Light Healing practitioner today!

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