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Manifesting & Miracles

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The Real Reason You're Not Able to Manifest What You Want

Are you living a life that you love?

No, seriously — not just settling for an OK life, but experiencing your best health, deep connections in your relationships, and all the money in the world to support your dreams?

Maybe just reading that last line makes you want to cry.

Because you’ve been TRYING to manifest all of that for yourself, but you always seem to fall short.

Like, frustratingly and depressingly WAAAAYYYY short.

And you can’t seem to figure out why.

You’re doing all the things — working your fingers to the bone, saying your affirmations, watching your vision board, keeping your vibration up…

And it just doesn’t work!

Then you look around, and you see other people, doing the same damn things and getting results.

It works for them, but not for you.

So then you go down a shame spiral, wondering what is wrong with you and why are you so broken and why should you even try anymore?

I see you.

Heck, I was you!

Until I learned the dirty little secret of manifesting.

Hint: It’s not you!!!

The Missing Piece to the Manifesting Puzzle

Here’s the secret to REAL manifesting:

You were never meant to do it alone!

True, you are a powerful creator!

But do you know who or what is an even more powerful creator than you?

Your GUHP (god/goddess, universe, higher power).

Now, imagine that you can tap into all that GUHP power to co-create the life of your dreams.

It would almost be easy, right?

(Newsflash! It actually is easy!)

You’d intuitively know what action steps to take, and you’d know when to back off and let your GUHP work their magic behind the scenes while you take a candle-lit bath or played with your kids at the pool.

Do you know what would happen then?


Big miracles like:

  • Deepening and satisfying relationships.

  • Fast-track your physical healing.

  • Great sex.

  • Unexpected money.

  • A raise, a promotion, a new career.

But also little miracles like:

  • A prime parking spot.

  • Time-bending when you’re running late.

  • Finding your lost keys or wallet.

  • Bumping into an old friend.

  • Connecting with the right person at the right time.

"My miracle actually was more than I had asked for. My health improved, I had more energy, and the bonus was being comfortable with my authentic self." - Shaun M.

Why I Created This Program

See, I’ve been where you are now.

I had big goals and big dreams.

I was following all of the manifesting “rules.”

Month after month, I failed.

Those pictures on my vision board stayed up there a loooooonnnnnggg time!

Just when I was ready to give up, my GUHP stepped in (Divine Intervention!).

In a great big download, I was given the Miracle Process.

It was like a light bulb went off in my head!

After practicing the method for a few months and experiencing dramatically different results, I knew I had to teach this.

"I have been working on being my true self for years, but the past few months of working with Shelli have been game changing and mind blowing." - Maggie M.

But What If My GUHP And I Aren’t on Speaking Terms?

You’re right, in order for the Miracle Process to work, you kind of need to have a deep connection with your GUHP!

We all have GUHP wounds, even if our relationship is pretty darn good.

  • All the times you asked for things that were important to you, and you didn’t receive them.

  • Circumstances that felt like your GUHP was “punishing” you.

  • Abandonment and a lack of guidance when you needed them most.

  • Crickets when you asked the deep, burning questions of your soul.

How can you TRUST your GUHP to create miracles with you when they’ve let you down so many times before?

And what if your wounds run so deep, you’re not even sure you have a GUHP anymore?

Heal Your GUHP Wounds

When I first launched this course, it was only an 8-week program.

Once I realized how deep our wounding ran, I knew I needed to expand the course.

Now, the first four weeks are a beautiful deep dive into healing your GUHP wounds.

Together, we will heal all the blocks that separate you from your GUHP and make you feel alone and unworthy, so you can finally enjoy the relationship and partnership you were meant to have.

In this 12-week group coaching program, you will learn how to heal your GUHP wounds, develop the intuitive gifts that you need to create miracles, and partner with the Divine to manifest your greatest dreams.

"Your class changed my life." - Hyde M.

What Is Included in the Program?

  • 12 one-hour classes

  • First 4 weeks healing your GUHP relationship so you can fully trust your GUHP to co-create with you

  • Next 8 weeks learning the Miracle Process so you can manifest anything you want, no matter how big or how small

  • Light Language clearings in each class so you can instantaneously and permanently release your blocks and wounding.

Your Investment Just $2,222

Payment plans available.

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Who Is This Program For?

This program is a good fit for you if you…

  • Have big DREAMS but don’t know how to reach them.

  • Are ready for a new experience living the life YOU want to live.

  • Are willing to take ACTION to co-create miracles.

  • Are open to healing your wounds to full RECEIVE all that your heart desires.

This program is not for you if you…

  • Are content with the life you’re living now.

  • Are not ready to release blame and victimhood for your circumstances. (No judgment! We’ve all been there!)

  • Are not willing or able to commit to the action steps you’ll be given.

  • Prefer to work hard and do everything on your own.

You Deserve This!

The desires of your heart were put there for a reason!

If you are craving a life that looks different than the one you’re living now, it’s because THAT’S the life you are meant to be living!

You are worthy.

You are enough.

You deserve ALL the good things!

The only thing standing in your way is your wounding.

Join us, and we’ll clear that together.

The time to heal is NOW.

The time to receive is NOW.

The time to step into your power is NOW.

The time to live your purpose is NOW.

Your big, beautiful dreams are waiting for you to say YES to your soul and RECEIVE.

Register Now!

Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Shelli Howells!

I am not afraid of the dark because I have walked through it to come out the other side as a powerful, fiery light.

My journey has led me to become a Certified Reiki and Crystal Reiki Master, Certified Alignment Coach, and Light Language Teacher and Healer.

My mission is to stand as a Wayshower for you, to shine the light and guide you through your own personal shadows.

This work can be daunting, but I promise the treasure at the end of the rainbow is more than worth it!