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A 12-Month Journey of Discovery with the Ascended Masters

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What would it be like to sit at the feet of the Ascended Masters?

Imagine living in ancient times, sitting at the feet of such Ascended Masters as Buddha, Devi, Jesus, Isis, Mary Magdalene, and others, learning directly from them as they nurture you through your healing and ascension process.

Beginning to see yourself not through your own eyes of judgment, but through their eyes of unconditional love and wonder.

Breaking through the illusions of separation and aloneness as you are encompassed in the fellowship of their welcoming arms.

Waking up to your own power and purpose.

Expanding your capacity to more fully live a life filled with JOY.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have something like that today?

The New Earth Mystery School

The New Earth is Mother Earth, Gaia herself, returning to her 5th dimensional glory.

She is evolving, releasing all that creates the lower vibrations of the 3rd dimension.

And as she rises, so must we as a collective.

Our vibration must match hers.

And so the New Earth Mystery School will teach you the art of mastery.

The art of mastering your thoughts, emotions, actions, outcomes, and vibration.

You will discover a new way of seeing.

You will discover a new way of hearing.

You will discover a new way of knowing.

You will discover a new way of being.

And then, my beloveds, you will raise your light and with your newfound wisdom, you will guide and yes, act as a wayshower for those who awaken after you.

You are the bringers of hope.

Mother Earth can not complete her Ascension without you.

A Message from the Ascended Master, Serapis Bey

What is The New Earth Mystery School?

The New Earth Mystery School is a container for you to receive instruction from the Ascended Masters themselves to help you navigate your personal Ascension process and step into spiritual leadership.

The format that I have been given by Serapis Bey for this school is:

  • Monthly 90-minute Zoom call to receive a channeled message and instruction from the Ascended Masters.

  • Inspired action steps to be accomplished throughout the month (your Practice).

  • Private Facebook group to share insights and create community.

  • Weekly check-in via Zoom for celebration, progress, and support.

Only 12 Spots Available!

There are 12 open spots available for the New Earth Mystery School.

The investment structure is usually $1,111 a month with a 12-month commitment.

However, I am offering this opportunity for $444 a month with a 12-month commitment to this round of participants.

This is because you are contributing to creating the foundation of this Mystery School that will serve future students for years to come!

Once the 12 spots have been filled, the doors will close and we will not be accepting new students until next year.

Also, this will be the last time that this price will be made available.


As always, it is important for me to give you the support you need to be successful in my programs!

So, you will also receive:

  • Lifetime access to the Ascension Academy with 26 courses and masterclasses ($4,922 value)

  • 12-Month Light Language Clearings & Activations membership ($84 value)

  • Lifetime access to the Light Language Healing Library ($1,000+ value)

  • The Business Basics Quickstart Masterclass ($497 value)

That's a total value of $19,835+ for just 12 payments of $444!

Apply Today


Susie T.

When Shelli announced the New Earth Mystery School I asked myself, “what the heck is that?” I asked her and watched the videos and still didn’t know what it was. I had a strong feeling that I needed to be a part of it. So I joined.

It has been an amazing adventure. I can feel myself energetically ascending. We are a group of people consciously working to raise the vibration of the planet. In the process we are healing ourselves and supporting each other.

Shelli is part of our group. Yes she is the organizer but she is also our equal. There are mind blowing insights. We are constantly receiving messages and being pushed to succeed by an unseen force. It is our choice to accept it or reject it.

What will you choose?

Shelli Howells! Her warrior spirit was just what I needed. She has a beautiful, confident, fearless peace about her that really helped me to process and accept the information I was being given.

Kalley S.

This healing feels ancient. I shifted so much. I have shifted into so much power and joy. The changes are irrevocable. I am beyond grateful for Shelli's knowledge and wisdom.

LivNam K.

Shelli. Amazing. Powerful. Thank you for showing up for me today.

Sarah C.

Thank you Shelli for the movement and momentum you've helped me create in my life! Your powerful way of honouring your clients (me) and helping them succeed in the way they need most is incredibly beautiful.

Michelle E.

Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?

Never before have I created a program without knowing what I’m getting myself into.

I have always known the content that I would teach before inviting others to join me.

This, however, has been the ultimate exercise in SURRENDER!

Serapis Bey has gently reminded me that this time, it’s not MY program.

It comes from Serapis Bey and the other Ascended Masters, yes, but ultimately, these teachings are direct from SOURCE.

I get the wonderful privilege of being the conduit for this information to return to the Earth.

But I can’t do it alone.

YOUR insights and experiences will be just as important to the creation of The New Earth Mystery School as mine.

Will you join me on this adventure of a lifetime?

Apply Today