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From Fear to Freedom

Unlock your LIMITLESS potential.

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What is your greatest fear?

Fear of failure.

Fear of not fulfilling your purpose.

Fear of not being enough.

Fear of being too much.

Fear of losing your loved ones.

Fear of letting them down.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of not belonging.

Fear of being seen as you really are.

Fear of being invisible.

Do these sound familiar? All of them? Or maybe you don’t even know what you’re really afraid of. You simply have this constant feeling of anxious tension in your body that you can’t quite define.

You were never meant to live life so small.

When we are in a state of fear, our natural inclination is to try to create safety.

Which sounds good, right?

Unfortunately, the way we do that is through control.

We try to manipulate people and circumstances to minimize risk, thinking it will give us breathing space so we can finally DO what we want to do.

But here’s the beautiful truth about life — it’s a WILD, unpredictable, uncontrollable thing.

People have agency and their own ideas about how life is supposed to look, and so everyone around you is marching to the beat of their own drummer.

Throw in a couple of unexpected changes in external circumstances such as a global pandemic or rising gas prices or some natural disaster, and your efforts to exert control become nothing more than trying to herd cats.

Meanwhile, the whole time your attention is focused on herding your cats, you miss out on the many ways the Universe is trying to get your attention — bringing opportunities, possibilities, and gifts to surprise and delight you.

The irony is that while you’re so busy trying to control life, fear is actually controlling YOU.

Fear contracts. Freedom expands.

You were never meant to live life so small.

Imagine your life without fear.

Imagine releasing the shackles of fear so that you could SEE the limitless possibilities life is trying to offer you.

Imagine feeling free to be authentically yourself in every situation.

How would your closest relationships respond to the real you? Think of those deepening connections.

Imagine finally being able to SEE the money and opportunities that will be magnetized to you.

Picture the life you can live as you become a master creator and manifestor. What would you create?

Imagine the thrill and excitement of living life fully, allowing yourself to take risks into the unknown.

With greater risks come greater rewards.

Imagine the satisfaction and success that are waiting for you in all areas of your life.

Can you see your impact in the world expanding?

Can you see yourself confidently fulfill your purpose?

From Fear to Freedom: Unlocking Your Limitless Potential

In this 15-day intensive, you will harness the power of Assisting Frequencies and learn how to

    • Focus your attention AWAY from fear, so you are no longer attracting what you fear to you.

    • Discern true danger vs false, so you are free from the constant presence of fear.

    • Release past stories that created your fears in the first place, so you are free from repeating patterns.

    • Get grounded in the present, so you can enjoy the gifts in the moment.

    • Awaken to your limitless potential as the creator of your life, so you can intentionally fulfill your purpose.

    • Experience clarity, direction, and expansion, so you can confidently create the life that you love.

Unlock Your Potential Now

What are Assisting Frequencies?

Everything is energy, and everything has an energetic essence.

Assisting Frequencies are numerical codes that contain the energetic essence of things.

Everything in existence has its own unique, specific frequency.

Because of this, we have access to all things without having to perceive them physically with our senses.

Through intention, we can activate the essence of something by invoking its frequency.

Anahata Holly Hallowell has channeled, downloaded, and compiled a list of over 1,000 Assisting Frequencies (also called Anahata Codes) for different items that can support us with their energy.

These include flower essences, crystals, essential oils, totem animals, emotions, solfeggio frequencies, colors, sacred geometry symbols, and much more.

Because Assisting Frequencies contain the essence of something, you can use them just like you would use the actual thing.

For example, if you were fighting an infection and wanted to use Oregano Essential Oil, but you didn’t have any of it physically on hand, you could install the Anahata Code for it and achieve the same results.

The Assisting Frequencies we will be using in this course have been specifically chosen to support you in overcoming your fear.

Course Details

In this self-guided course, you can go at your own pace.

Spend as little as 30 minutes a day, or choose to go deeper.

It's up to you!

For the first 14 days, you will unlock a daily lesson to assist you in recalibrating your relationship with fear.

Each lesson consists of:

The Assisting Frequency of the day with its explanation and instructions for installation.

A daily challenge.

Affirmations to go along with the theme.

Journaling questions.

On the 15th day, there will be a meditation to awaken you to the limitless possibilities waiting for you.

Regular Price $97
Special Introductory Price $37

Choose Freedom Now!

Embrace Your Newfound Freedom!

It's time to break out of the box that your fears have kept you in and embrace all that life has to offer you!

You were never meant to play small.

Your friends, your family, your clients, and most importantly, yourself — the WORLD needs the fullness of YOU.